Place your new cutting inside the moss making sure the node/aerial root is surrounded.(Try out mimicking soil conditions by using an Opaque container). Fill an empty container, empty jar or whatever you find suitable with slightly dampened Sphagnum moss.We are currently working away with content to introduce a blog to our site to answer any further questions, but for now don’t hesitate to ask any question via our Social media or via email do you use Sphagnum moss to propagate my Ceropegia Woodii ? We have the perfect pre-made Houseplant Soil Mix for it, just in case.

Once the Ceropegia has grown a strong root system simply pot it up into the appropriate substrate of your choosing.Root system, the best chance of survival your String Of Spades will have when moving over into your chosen substrate. Once those roots have formed you should start to see secondary roots coming off them. Let roots develop until they are at least 3-5 cm in length.This is where your Ceropegia Woodii new roots will grow from. Place your new cutting in the water making sure the node/aerial root is submerged.(Try mimicking soil conditions by using an opaque container). Fill an empty jar, glass or whatever you find suitable, with fresh water.How do you use the water propagation method for my String Of Plant ? Get your new String Of Spades rooted in no time. Propagation techniques for your new String Of Spades.